Good day, Doc sent us on the Brewer trail this week! Thanks to Roslyn we were able to make good progress. Just one clue is preventing me from wrapping up this one with 10a. Thanks in advance for... ...
3D Turning into Turin food market, what provides basic rather than haute cuisine needs (9) _ _ S _ I _ I _ N (first letter I suspect is S). (The final N which I'm not sure of is from 18A: Classic... ... Starmer was like a weedy schoolboy getting torn a new one my the head master.... Even... ...
Just the two :- 1) Boy avoiding blade on weapon set off (5) B?G?N. It looks like BEGIN (set off), but I can't parse the rest. 2) Good state of Scottish outfitter? (6) ... ...
12a: About noon in a trap. 5 letters. ?n?n? 16a: Clever trick to breathe audibly ? 6 letters. ?h?e?e 17a: A bishop with worker who is notorious. 6 letters a?r?n? 7d: Boy or girl, say. 4 letters. ?e?e
Good evening, in spite of the apparently daunting preamble, I’ve made some surprising head way with this one. Help with the following would be appreciated, thanks! 29a Resident in old people's... ...
Good evening, I know missing letters are not my bag of tea, but I’m sure to learn something from this one. Help would be appreciated for the following, thanks! 12a Having numbered pages folded... ...