Two left:
Support partners' children (5) T _ E _ _
Setter regularly ignored father returning for function (5) _ _ E _ D
(The setter's name is Kairos, if that helps)
Many thanks!!...
24 A. Beetle, for example, accepted at first within one order of insects (7) a?arin? I can see 'acarina' - which has ' a car in a/cepted' and relates to mites, insects. On checking Chambers, I saw...
STuck on last two.
14D.Belittlement is really blame concealed by desires:_ O_R/_R___S
25A Attendant nurses are not family --R-N-A-E
Thanks in advance....
10ac Lightning all but pierces plain (9) ??e?n?g?t 1dn Sticky stuff left in dip a product of 7? (4,4) ???? l?c? 7dn is Fan letter opened by X (7) which I have in as devotee 23dn Toll road initially...
Really think Dean Mayer should come with some sort of health warning! Please does anyone have any thoughts on: 4d See red or orange drops on (4) r??? 5d Show-offs point controllers the wrong way...
16 D. Unable to move about, thanks to half-inch cut (9) c?t???n??
14 D. Periodically, patrol's very brave cycling around Belgian city (9)
Thanks for any help....
23dn Something needed for logging in America, before bringing in Vietnam (8) ?s???a?e 37dn A red blouse shortened, taken to literal extremes (6) s?i?a? 51dn Island not far above sea level announced...
Finished this excellent puzzle but have a bit of a problem with 39 across, which seems to yield an 'e' that doesn't belong to the sequence of missing letters.
Any help please?...
22 D. Believer rudely glib about hypocritical saint (6) p?p?s? (I had a couple of possibilities, both ending 'st'/saint, but I wasn't sure if they were classed as offensive.) This is my last one to...
16ac The achievement of Your Highness is inevitably temporary (4,4,2,4,4,4) W?A? ???? ?? ??S? C?M? ??W? 1ac See packs in action on the football field (4,5) S?O? ????? 52ac Got up well before start of...
1ac Cold in a Scottish region is what follows one here (6) ???o?s
2dn Bill's partner mostly unenthusiastic (3) ??o
23ac Refuse to give up massage? It's a mistake (4) ?I?h...