Is it just me, or might there be a mistake in the RH corner? I want to put MYOPE for 7 dn (What I 'ave aspirations for as a shortsighted person), but this won't work with PATBALL for 15ac (Very good...
17 down. Clue: Imitate all the people present (8). I have: ?O?A?U?N. 20 down. Clue: About t enter camp hidden from general view (6). I have: ?E?R?T I thought SECRET but can't see the word play. Help...
15a cycle along with extremely loathsome bear - did it do it for Dr Black? (11)
11d show contempt and tear into awful thesis (12)
14d one dollar hidden in china cow (10)
Stuck on the top left corner.
1Down Mare,dead carp,grouse and beef (6) M-T---
12. Across It's only right to leave scrap (6) --C-P-
Possibly EXCEPT right leaving EXCERPT
All thoughts welcomed...
Please could somebody help me with: 40 across: River submerges Cameron currently holding pictures at National Trust's office (6) DE_EN_ and 33 down: Those in community reached by advertising chap with...
Last few - help please 19a Tribal conflict involving local revolutionary C???N?S? 28a Sailors circling island start to hoist ropes Y???T?E? 17d Spanish beer pub's keeping very cold, mostly ???E?R??...
6dn Rarely pleasant lady single, needing introductions (5) I have AME??
13ac Ringlet put around, with no end of skill (6) I have E??T? T
All help appreciated...
Struggling today 7d You must investigate trouble in a joint (8) d?????I? 18a for good measure, sister spanked mother (12) ????e?I?r?s? 16d mountain resident gets down about climbing a mountain (8) 19d...
I'm all filled in and have the cryptic clue (from the extra letters) have the fifth thematic item. But, now I'm stuck with what to write below the grid. All I can come up with is the last word. Could...
24 D. Hard man swallows bone I discarded (6) ????l? 34 A. Tailless gazelle has dry fleece (6) ??h??? Sorry for the lack of letters - this one corner has given me lots of problems. Thanks for any help....
25 D. Wretched in vehicle, brought up last part of meal? (8) ????a?u? 26 A. Very afraid I must replace one right inside (8) i???r?o? (I can see 'interior'/ inside, but not the reasoning). Thanks....