This is only for a website, I want someone to create articles, contents that i can put on my website. I found some sample agreement templates online, what else are needed? Can anyone add more clauses...
37d queen in texas waving bye bye maybe (6)
43a on time to pick up tyre thats been mended (7)
last 2 thanks, been hard today. special thanks mamyalynne,your fantastic...
34 A. They're hot, burnt out, and should be left in peace (5) ea???
7 D. Fortifications - classical things proficient fighter has put about (6)
Please can you explain the word play of 20 down I'm probably over thinking this - Reported traffic jam from device in TV studio . I know it's article for reported but how does the rest work? I think...
7 D. Second entry essentially covering a former US politician (5) t?i?e
I can see 'trice', (second) but I don't see how that works with the rest of the clue, so it could be wrong!...
This will make sense only to those who've done, are doing, this puzzle. I have completed the grid and thought I had got the theme -but the 'work' I've got in mind does not have the required number of...
I'm not finding this as easy as others are saying. Can someone give me a nudge in the right direction and perhaps the answer to 9d Extract showing Reeves changing top with difficulty (9. two words)