Received a nice surprise yesterday - a fountain pen and a notebook and pen for winning the Sunday Telegraph Cryptic Crossword. No mention of which week I won. Any idea where the list of winners appear...
24a,Perhaps Tyrone and Kerry might notice us,strangely enough(8) C-U----S. 26a,Get the Listeners first,then merchandise-how potty (11).E-E-Y--E--E 16a,Disturb a beast in a French coastal...
Evening everyone I'm stuck on today's puzzle
It's once upon a time repeated 3times in speach bubbles . Each bubble is above the word picture??
Im thinking talking pictures?...
29a English help agitated soldier to secure marine mammal. ?l?p?a?t ?e?l . Must be elephant seal which would be an anagram of Ehelp , ant (soldier) sea (marine) but that still leaves the l . What am I...
Good afternoon Wow this is a headscratcher! I have the name and the shortened version of it but now really strugling with a view remaining clued lights and the links to the unclued lights particualrly...
can anyone help with 16 down? Catch end of willy on fitting - something that lasts more or less 70 years
I know it begins with C but am otherwise stuck.
Please parse these for me. 1. Head has row in discussion. Ans skull . Get the head bit but "row in discussion"? 2. Wall Street figure does own jinxed stocks . Ans Dow Jones Index -anag of "does own...