I've managed everything in this crosword with the exception of the substitute solution for 22 down. If I am right, it is a woman's name that yields the definition 'codeword', or possibly 'herb'. But...
Apathy in a quarrel(12)????f?e?e?c? .
Possibly fill a lot of Ships(8) F???????.
One star turn nobody applauds (7)T??????.
Was dirt cheap ? Hardly! (4,3,5) ???t,?h?, ?????.
Have completed all but 19 down, “Prime Minister makes real money it’s said.”
I have - r-d-a-. Nobody else seems to be struggling with this one, but it’s foxed me! Any help appeciated!...
Having completed the previous 2 Private Eye crosswords in double quick time I am really struggling this week! Looking to get a break through so any help very much appreciated! 8 ac: Application to...
help please and parsing 40a strict family robinson serts an example 10,2 words E?O?E?NA?E 18d tenant to secure her old ground 10 ?A?SHOLDER pass? 21d what reduces rates for estatesnsay 9,2 words...
17d Put into plain language from the underground vault indeed (9) ?e?r?????
25/28a Ready to do what we’ve all got to do to combat COVID? (4 2 3 7)
Help appreciated please....