19a: long running show where all contestants were married couples . 3 words, 2/3/3 letters.
15d: property based tax paid by businesses. 5 letters. R?T??...
1) Almost put leave off in brief message (3,5)
I have n-t/-u-t-
2) Nancy's five became submerged (4)
I have s-n- ( sank? - if so, why? )
Thanks again all...
1 ac.. calm down,cancelling one's appoiontment at barber's?...4,4,4,2. Keep ???S,hair on 21 d...fellow sets out to get fruit..M?N???S 4d..clothing protector family used after short sleep..??P?I?...
More help please.
5ac what's removed by girl approaching Bond (7).
11as bright star showing some perspicacity (5).
24as harsh introduction to Olympics for European runner (5).
Many thanks again...
20a Joke cut in front of trendy joint - assert authority strongly (5,3,4) CRACK THE WHIP. I can't quite parse it: joke = CRACK cut = HEW trendy = HIP joint = HIP (again?) but I can't find the T. What...
17d, Fully in shot was broadcast (4,4) I have w?n? ????, 24a, split personality failing to shine in Chinese city? (9) I have ??????i?n , hopefully these two will allow me to complete the puzzle....
12ac brand new opportunity in training (6,8).
3d prince mostly rational,taking no dope or weed (12).
13d one who is accepted as crazy? (5,5).
Many thanks in advance...