7 down in a covetous way ?v?r?c?o?s?y 19 across parents mother ??a?n?? 19 down washer to protect electrical wire ??o?m?t 10 down failure to be of one mind d?s?g???m?n? I am sure these are really easy...
5 down - Old word for the octave of a festival, from Old French outwaves _ T _ S 10 Down _ and 17 across American botanist, 1810-88, a leading plant taxonomist (3,4) A _ A 17 Across - see 10 down G _...
8 Across - Which actor and director of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and Shackleton - grew up in poverty? (turns 47 tomorrow) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 Across - Which American actor -...
12 Across - Climbing plant or tree of tropical and warm regions named after two French herbalists (8) _ _ _ H _ N _ A 27 Across - A millet, Eleusine coracana, much grown in India, Africa etc (5) R _ _...
17 Across - A crop is knocked flat (7) T_R_E_E 24 Across - Capital to take initial levy (9) _ _ R _ T _ A _ E 1 Down - Charm poet with your first, exotic picture in colour (10) C _ _ _ M _ _ _ P _ 23...
13 Down - In music to be played like a march (4,6)
_ L _ A _ A _ C _ A
18 Down - Same as Kennelly - Heaviside layer (1,6)
E _ E _ I _ N
Any ideas anyone, please?
Herculis General Knowledge Crossword 26.11.07 16 Across The fourth book of the Book of Mormon (4) _ N _ S 25 Down Mythological goddess of strife, whose Greek opposite is Harmonica (4) E_I_ Any ideas...
The Sunday Times Crossword 8 Across (7) Debauched old man swallows a can every day R _ U _ I _ E 4 Across (4,5) Cast out worthless type about to produce hopeless situation L _ _ T _ A _ S _ 17 Across...
The Sunday Times Crossword 4251 2 down (7) Lawsuit about university state _ _ _ T _ _ _ 4 Across (4,5) I left with fast pulse L _ _ _ _ A _ _ _ 7 Down (7) Frank takes some cornflakes in cereal bowl _...
The Sunday Times Crossword 4249 19 Across Old church used for housing brown chemical O_T_ _ _ 22 Across Staged work features kid at home being naughty T _ _ _ _ _ A _ O 25 Across There's little good...
The Sunday Times Crossword 17 down (8) That special gift is a March treat _ _ _ R _ S _ A 20 across (4) Tools for the shoe-maker _ _ E _ Any ideas anyone, please?
The Sunday Times Crossword 18 down Driver taking rest in srotm, on the side (8) _ _ _ M _ T _ _ 30 across At one ,gettign hungry feeling (6) _ _ _ _ _ _ 22 down See me get astride a horse and run (6)...
Okay...I don't normally get involved in 'personal' affrays on this site with people, as often I see both points of view to a certain extent and do believe people are entitled to an opinion. I have...
I feel defeated today. I still have 4 to answer and am really struggling. Google and Dictionary are not giving me the answers. 15a Person who gives interpretation of a text. E-E-E-E (7) 34a First of 2...