Can anyone pls help with saturday's crusader prize crossword. 15a male upstart - one going round fort in plain clothes M?F?? 26a might a tory often arrange to get authority to act for another 5,2,8...
6 across. Clue: about to go to church, turning holy inside - plan laid down to follow? (6). I have: R?C??? 8 down. Clue: Hymn writer includes the same note at regular intervals(5). I have: ??E?N....
please has anyone the answer for- 6. stop early for a drink where there's growth 28. c a s e case 32. nice pill in mixture can make you better 10. 44. language has spin off 7. thanks...
Can anyone pls help me with my last few of the cryptic clues. 10a wrong kit means upset ?I?????? 23a man left with a trendy clergyman C???E?I? 2d range of food for girl on film ?I?? 4d glance over...
12345 represent a letter, what's the word
He who would 123455 a 1231255 needs to 544 a 12343! 3234 and 512314 such 12545 may be - who 12345? Will they 14254 at that?
Many thanks...
2d Have warm glow.(6) (t?n?l?) 3d Not recognised .(10) (u?f?m?l?a?) 10d the study of animal distribution.(12) (b?o?e?g?a???) 20d Bulb with pungent taste.(6) (?a???c) (6) 22d Personal instructor. (5)...
last one-help please-am trying to finish everything off before i go on my prize trip to brisbane for the first test!
4d" R?R?E show,or the true 25 procession"(stephen college) 5