Answers are in alphabetical order hence starting letter in brackets. 1)Take away evade intentionally(a)(1 word) 21)House cleaner verbal or physical cruelty (2 words) (d) 25)Smooth and even measure(2... ...
Theme-famous roads,streets and squares around the world 12 I reflect about southern, uncool entertainment centre (9,6) 90 Real waste ET, around South Africa(4,6) Any help or clues appreciated
All are things in the human body, 7, if it's numb, you're dim (5) 14, Horner's appendage definitely not on the ingredients list.(5) 17, a closer shave needed if this remains. (7). 38, site of... ...
answers are all things material 10. Shellfish not out. 12. Lower edge of as above but quietly.( question before was musically loud letter careless. Answer is Flax)
Could I please have some help as I have the same answer for 2 questions- 19.Is this one for a Novice? 24 Cold religious lady I have blue nun for both. Thank you
Songs from 70's and 80's dingba 5 £5.OO X 3 6 Get in to written on a black line 8 lips on top of an X 16 Candy cane ,cracker and a woman sign still got more to get but would appreciate any help with... ... All the pictures are partial famous landmark in the UK Any help gratefully appreciated Picture numbers 6,7 and 13 ...
1. french hen has toothed closure inside (8 letters) 2. short barricade that's mad (8 letters) 3. two companies head quiet man.utd.(7 6 letters) thanks for any help
Answers are Biscuits and Crackers. Please can anyone help with No.37 First Class (4) and No.41 Chocolate sandwich biscuit (4,7)- I have Bourbon for another answer. Many thanks.
Solve clues to find answer money holder(5)ocean(3)edge of ocean(5) laugh(2)smell badly(4)stick(4) when read together which person real or fiction does it sound like thanks for any help/clues
Christmas Theme. Films and songs. Help please as I am completely stumped on two questionsQ33. Magical children's story from recently developed county town. Q42. Assembly of like minded... ...