Answers are minerals, stones, ores etc. 3) Stout pole 7) Gibberish 14) Dull days 17) ? of notes 20) Critisize severely 27) Deep blue pigment made from this 28) Rotten - Stone Thanks for any help...
MacMillan cancer support Cromarty 11 March
Body parts common and anatomical names
1.Jesters toy7 letters
2.devil had one 5 letters
3.Dusters stop this being lethal8 letters
I am struggling with the last few questions.
3. Gardening tool William.
9. Gear French dog.
11. Male animal royal
30. TV soap in short building barrier.
Any help is appreciated....
1 quiet chimney but useless (4 4 ) 2, a ten litre egg cup holds this (4) 3. most oysters contain these ! (4) 4,five hold established jumpers (7 7) thanks for any help...
Anyone help with Q7) Looks like a V over 25.
Also can someone confirm Q8 answer is Uri.
Q41 What is the connection:
Pale Owl,Need,The Chart,Libra.TIA.
Happy to help with other answers....
I know answers are given in this quiz but I am at a loss help would be appreciated please No5 a regular gunner No16 back biter is confused in the way out challenge No24 family member from gateshead,...
Is anyone doing this logo quiz? Really struggling to find them. I will try to explain the best I can. Here goes. No.5 Looks like two heads looking into an open book. No.15 Elephant on top of a weather...
Have just received this quiz and was wondering if anyone thinks there are some mistakes. No15 no number of letters given Nos 16 and 17 would appear to relate to a previous tools quiz. There may be...
I would appreciate some help with these.Totally stuck now. Answer will be one of the three. No letter count. 18 Strike food with lower 19 Almost a plant with large bright coloured leaves almost...
89 Captain Kidd 3.6.
80 Kathy's Love 11
40 Who's this (5)
25 Film or stage expression 5.3
Thank you
I have no ideas for the 3 that everyone seems to be stuck one...
9 Sow badly and you reap one (9) 15 Early morning refresher for politicians (6) 17 Lager runs short and is recycled - don't drink advised (4.7) 22 High flying circus after ringmaster replaces a clown...
Just had confirmation from the setter that there are 2 errors in this quiz. Setter would not confirm my answers, but I believe this is what the questions should be: Q17 should it be (3 6) and not (3...