Do I block this woman? This girl I don't want to be friends with anymore she has deleted me on Facebook and keeps asking to meet up with her tomorrow and I'm out with another friend for brunch but... ...
Loros UK cities quiz. Sounds like ring quickly. 7 letters Sounds like a join attached. 7 letters Tear over. 5 letters Sounds like body part in town. 9 letters ... ...
We are in contract at another address until July, the problem is it is on the old HD boxes that are no longer serviced by sky and they are beginning to fail. The occupier frequently goes weeks... ...
Incase you forgot Katie is the one who hasn't bothered with me since she moved in with her partner. I don't know weather to do something with them for my birthday as I'm just thinking what to do... ... No one doubts climate change, the planet is continually... ...
Sad to see you have left AB. Hope you are OK. If you ever choose to rejoin using a more anonymous username there are still people here who can offer advice. Take care and good luck with your... ...
Trump this week doubled down on his claim that Biden doled out £8million on research to make mice transgender. The fact checkers have since shown he got the wrong end of the stick bigly. The... ... It's almost as if there is fear of a growth inhibiting budget about to kick in! Who'd have thunk it eh? ...
If you block someone and tagged them in pics when you were friends does it automatically untag them? As my friend blocked her friend and now it not showing the friend she blocked isn't tagged... ...
Can you please explain why this is gardai? I can see that gardai are Irish police and perhaps pull up is drag backwards but then where does the remaining ai come from? Thanks Sam
Section each answer contains just one vowel which is used at least 3 times 5/ Former Ugandan seat of government Section 4 Who or what is missing from the groups of 5 Liesl Louisa Birgitta and... ...
Hi everyone, all answers are to do with shapes i.e. A mysterious triangle in the Atlantic = Bermuda 10) This diamond is full of potential (5) ----H Last one and my minds gone blank, as usual many... ...