1) What's proposed in London Washington's declined to discuss (6) T???E?. TENDER? - if so, why? 2) Somewhere off the beaten track, unknown in part of Norfolk? (6) ??R??? 3) Scholarly poet and... ...
Boris Johnson is said to be eyeing up a political comeback and is said to be watching and waiting as to how the fate of the Cons unfolds for things to drop in his lap.It is alleged that he is... ...
Good evening, I seek help for the following thanks in advance: 13a Auntie putting end of thumb on buzzer (4) :??E? 15a Idiot and old spies regularly billed as ‘potentially connected’ (10) :... ...
Is the writing on the wall for the Conservative party as they fall behind Labour and Reform in the latest poll by Techne UK. With senior Tories asking is Badenoch up to the job.?
The Martin Lewis money show. I dont watch it, but caught part of it last night. How did I catch part of it? I heard this hysterical screaming and shouting, people standing up waving their arms... ...
If farmers decided to stop supplying produce to supermarkets they would have to plan that move months in advance or lose twice the amount of money. Crops take weeks and months to grow before... ...
So I click on the usual link and then I get 'Ummmm ... nothing found, (or words to that effect') try again.' So I checked and the link when you click - https://www.theanswerbank.co.uk has become... ...
I'm meant to be going for breakfast this morning with my friend but I've had a bad stomach and was sick last night was also meant to be going on a date tonight but feel abit better now.
I have just been told by my sister that she has cancer of her liver. She was told two year's maximum before succumbing. My question is does anyone else have any experience of this sort of... ...
https://www.theguardian.com/money/2025/feb/10/britons-hunting-for-a-job-uk-jobseekers-pay in the three months to december 2024 there were 812,000 vacancies in the UK economy and about 1.5 million... ...
//Sir David Amess's killer was exited from the government's Prevent anti-terror programme too quickly and its handling of him was "sub-optimal", a review has... ...