Driving along a little used single track road, an idiot 'farmer' shot out of a side lane in a tractor hitting me amidships, badly damaging the driver's door & mirror, rear door plus the rear... ...
i am enough young gentleman, who had only few jobs in his life. I was useful for my bosses last months, but everything is changed after one high level meeting at the company. My delivery skills... ...
Will Trump be fighting North Korea, China and Russia off all on his own when they turn on him, and they will when they are satisfied we've become very weak. Will Trump be calling for help?
Just asking this for curiosity. I live in a well populated urban area, not some remote dwelling at the back of beyond, and yet the post seems to be saved up and only delivered once a week. It... ...
https://www.express.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/2016910/union-bosses-demand-pay-rise-rachel-reeves Of course she will cave in to please her masters. ...
An English-speaking, German friend says - having looked in dictionaries - that the part of a car body which houses the wheel both front and rear are called wings. I say nobody calls them wings any... ...
27d. And went down with down with a wave of farewell (4) s? n? 12a. Isn't it a truck for the yanks that don't gave any truck for the same in English (5) ?o?r? Thanks all
Totally stumped on this one. This is a dingbat, the single word "ELEPHANT" which has been highlighted. The question is what is - NUMBER OF LETTERS IN COLOUR MENTIONED, it's not... ...
well that was a resaonably clever puzzle I am stuck though on 2D Composer left a trfile (6) I have ?AL?A? And i cannot see what the clue is or how 42 fits in. I have the Moniker elsewhere For 42A i... ...