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Help! I only have two left - answers are two words which start with the same letter. No. 72: Gained national recognition on 17th April 1957 (6,7) No. 97. Held again by Dr. Wright in 2005 (7,5) They're...
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what would you say the best movie of all time is?
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same letter for first and last words last four ,desperate now stroked vienna on the box 6,6 mo,s opposites provide a story 4,5 followed sheppard to see 5,5 8,5 or "jealousy" a novel read with...
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does anyone know the birthplace of the first P.M
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Can any one help? The answers contain two words (or letters) beginning with the same letter. (the clues being a mixture of cryptic/ general knowledge) All of you in this (4,9) Period of success or...
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Posted this in music but some of you quizzers and puzzlers might be interested too: Gerry Rafferty recorded a song called Baker street. Can you think of any other Underground stations in songs?

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