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84d tasty sandwich b?t thanks in advance...
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5d. gaunt (4,2,1,4) = T_I_ A_ A _ _ _ _ 53a. Swung to and fro(10) = O_C_ _L_ _ _ L 46a. stunned (2,1,4) = I_ _ _A_E Also checking 9d is it cock a leekie or any other suggestions. the clue is...
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Sorry dont have my usual helper here so need to ask outside help 37d Alter (a document)(7) _A_S_ _ _ 53A Limited, bound(6) _ _ _ _T_ 49D Give up (8) R_ _ _ _ _ _ _ E 59A Meat substitute(5) _ _ _ RN...
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sounds so easy but i just cant get this one to fit with my other letters; 64d, good for the world! (10) tah .....
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8d Replied (8) 38a Pair (7) 6d Lacking Vitality (7) 19a Innate Skill (6)...

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