All the answers are Classical Composers. I have run out of ideas for the last few. Q9 An opal does not contain it but a garnet does. 4. Q13 A large number swamped by anger. 6. Q15 He could brew up...
2 clues to give 2 rhyming phrases / answers. no. 12 Nation who lose regularly at football and popular type of coffee. no. 20 Chris Rea album and Christmas carol that angels did sing. 2 clues to smash...
2 answers to make 1 word.
Q1 Ruin 4 Starter Key 8
Q3 Perfume 5 Monte Carlo 5
3 answers to make 1 word
Q25 Bus on rails 4 Stick 4 Thin 4
Thank you for any help...
Help needed please. All the answers are fictional time travellers characters in film or on TV. Questions are pictures, I don't know how to reproduce them. Q1 (5, 5) Blonde female possible from pre...
Answers are people or animals who are fictional time travellers, from film or TV. No. 26 The original idea was for an educational programme aimed at teaching children about science and history. (6, 3)...
My mind has gone blank on these last two, not had a seaside holiday for 2 years!!!!!! no. 15 Eighteen in taxi for this pastime (4, 7) no. 28 Tree, we hear, with sheds (5, 4) Many thanks for any help...
Answers connected to Europe, people, places etc Q.45 Of the 51 chapters of this novel, 46 of them start by referring to chess. (7, 2, 6) Many thanks if you feel that you could help.
Help needed with no. 7 please. W B, A (5, 6. 9) Some of the other answers have been the name of the attraction, with the last letter (A) being the place. thank you
Answers are names connected to Tom, Dick or Harry.
no. 37 Boxing clever 5, 6 no. 65 Well travelled man 6, 4 No 92 Not my neighbour 6, 6
Thank you very much for any help....
Please can you help with Q2, Obvious comment just left (7) Q 45, Singer at spa (8) Do you think the letter count is correct for Q 47 Speedy agile river (4). I can only find the River Fleet, 5 letters....
All answers are Magicians / Illusionists,
I would like help with 2 of the pictures, no. 5 (7, 8) and no. 7 (4, 7, 6) Sorry I cannot reproduce the images. Many thanks for any help...
I received the answers as usual. We are now doing the Summer Quiz which has a C/D of 10/09. Details are on the Quiz round up under September.
The setters contact details are [email protected]...
Answers can be people or animals, real or imaginary. no. 10 They gave a controversial performance at a birthday party for the President's daughter. 4,8,3,(7), 6 no. 22. Not the casual footwear but one...
Answers have connections to Gardening. Only need the song title please. The singer's initials and no. of letters is just to help with finding the song title. no. 66 Song title P I sung by T L (3.10)...