The answer to 1 across is Morecombe.
4 Down Cub scout leader named after a wolf in The Jungle Book, I have O?E?A, I wanted to put Akela but it won't fit. Any help gratefully received...
Last one, HELP, 25 Across, What Tim Holt and Humphrey Bogart were at the beginning of the treasure of the sierra madre, (8), I have ?r?f?e?s.
Many thanks in advance....
Sorry, really stuck on this one; 17 Across world-famous rowing club located on the thames (7), I have ?E?N???, I thought Henley but won't fit, can't be putney. Many thanks in advance.
Sorry, stuck on last two. 1 Down, Sort of day on which schools are closed for training (5), I have I?s?t . 9 Down, Crucial, fundamental (9) I have S?m?n?l, I thought seminal - but not sure. Many...
Stuck on last one, 26 Across, Martin Luther King was one when it came to civil rights in the US (7) I have ?i?n?e?, I thought of fighter, winner wetc none will fit. Many thanks in advance.
Stuck on last one, 20 across Landmark in Protestantism (4,2,5) I have D?E? ?? W?R?S I thought deed of words but not sure. Any help will be well received.
Stuck on the last one, please help. 7 down, Nonchalantly, coolly, flatly (13), unless I have gone wrong; I have U???O?I?N?L?Y. Any help gratefully received
Stuck on last 2. 5 Down in a state of excitement (8), I have a?w?t?e? and the other one is 10 Across In psychology, the inner personality (5) I have
a?i?a. Many thanks in advance....
Down to my last one, but think I have gone wrong!!. 20 down, Obdurate (6), I have F?i?T?, I've tried, feisty, foists, but not them. Any help gratefully received.
Stuck on 2 which relate to Mad Men - don't watch it - 1 down What don Draper was having stolen another man's identity (09) I have ?h?r?a?a? and 11 across, Many of the men in Mad Men wear one of these...
Am stuck on the last one, 15 Across: We're all entitled to one when we find ourselves to be in trouble - at home or at work (4, 7) I have ?a?r ?e?r?n?, I thank you all in advance.
Stuck on 1 across, Impossible to deny or disprove, (11) I*r***t***e, I thought it was irrescusable, then "tilde" would be wrong. Many thanks in advance.
I think I have lost ther plot. 4A, Make remote (8) I have ?s?r?r?e and 13 A, Detergent by-product (4, 6), I think the first word is soap the second I have
?u?h?e. Any help much appreciated....