20a Psycopath regularly cut folk's chins after flipping S_ _ _O 25a Comes out with poorly doctor wearing slippers M_M_ _ _ S 21d One taking bow having put together church roof of lead and slate _ _ _...
one of the many names of the greek god.dess demeter meaning young,green shoot.C?L??....Sometimes called indian gooseberry,the size of a lemon,bitter and yellow-green, or the tree also known as...
8d 1st and current Poet in residence for the english National Opera, appointed in June 2010.(3-8) (i?n-?c?i?l?n) 15d In the USA` right by which a state may appropriate private for public use, usually...
23a Over to Pat, to arrange steamer (9) V_ _ _ R_T_O
3d Union less affluent than counsellor (8,6) M_R_I_G_/R_O_E_
19d Keys get reporters upset (7) T_ _ _E_S