We are being driven to destruction by many kids playing in next doors semi detached garden... There are swings, slides,,a bouncing castle and a full sized trampoline. The children range from about 3...
On a recent post (as much use as ] Legend referred to Whiffey on Mastemind, everyone has their own special category Whiffey may have is what is your special subject!
Watched a great show on tv Sunday night titled ..Most of our universe is missing. Scientists say that only 5% of the universe is made of ordinary atoms, the rest , they say, is so called dark matter...
Can anyone tell me any alternatives to the phrase; "as much use as / as useless as a chocolate teapot"? No more than 3 words please, and not rude! I already know chocolate fender, waterproof teabag,...
My son took took over a joint tenancy with a friend when the original flatmate moved on. It was handled by the landlords agents. A few months ago the flat was sold to a developer and the boys are...
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/humber/7535 536.stm This has made me so cross - why should he have ANYTHING?! He has ruined prople lives - ruined peoples childhoods! He should be left to rot! Not...
Hi, Just purchased a beautiful pink marble 12" Nick Drake 'Bryter Layter' album. Trying to find out if it was an original pressing or wether it's a 'copy'. Can anyone help me or point me in the right...