Anyone got any good first lines from a song that they like? If youd like to post it . Feel free . Heres one . ""And I'd give up forever to touch you, Cause I know that you feel me somehow. ""
I've just bought a new iron (as my old one died on the job) and got through 7 work shirts in 40 minutes, which I thought was rather impressive. I wish 'd bought one of those ones with the big...
We recently bought a flat in a small block and have successfully rented it out. However, our tenants have become increasingly troubled by the man in the flat immediately underneath who coughs his guts...
Was wondering if any of you chatterboxes have ever met up and if so if any have had a relationship via this gossip den?? You all seem to know each other pretty well
Hi. I don't know if this is a really stupid question....but..... I've just bought a set of BT Freelance XD 1500 phones, according to the instructions they should be ;plug and play' I've plugged...
Hello, How is everyone? Just to let you know the AB email system has been having a few issues since Monday and causing plenty of havoc! So, if you have sent us an email and still awaiting on a reply...
I would like (and need to really) lose some weight but I have no motivation to excercise and no will power to stop over eating. I'm currently unemployed so I find myself eating out of boredom which...
I was at a wedding and my friends parents who are terribly up themselves spoke to me and were rather rude as they have been on numerous occassions, looking down their nose at me. They then spoke to...
I havent yet had sex with my boyfriend but obviously plan to, as i would love to consumate our relationship what are your ideas on ''loving, meaningful sex''? I ask because My views are very hard to...
that REALLY annoys you? There is this girl in my office who is really nice but she really grates on me! The way she eats is the worst...she sits there and will eat an apple and it sounds like shes...
Put 'em up, put 'em up! Which one of you first? I can fight you both together if you want. I can fight you with one paw tied behind my back. I can fight you standing on one foot. I can fight you with...