Ive just browsed through about 8 copies of the financial times and i feel like smashing my head through a wall. My eyes and body gave up on me after the 2nd copy. This is the first time ive drank...
I Just watched myself on a video and I don't want to leave the house! I need to lose weight and fast! Im my friends Maid of honour in 7 weeks and can not look like that in the photos! Im really busy...
I have a truck with a chrome rear bumper - I have just returned from a shopping trip where I STUPIDLY reversed into one of those small bollards - I am still kicking myself - I am usually so careful....
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-103944 5/Erin-Pizzey-champion-womens-rights-says-radi cal-feminist-plans-let-victims-domestic-abuse- away-murder-affront-morality.html Are Women now to be given...
Ive heard it all now? Had to attend the council office today after my next door neighbours Have complained that Im Making too much noise (kids shouting, doors slamming etc...all of which we can hear...
My Mother-in-law has a garage, attached to her bungalow, and the outside wall is built right on the edge of her boundary. Her next door neighbour has planted ivy against this wall that is gradually...
Last night txt my mate saying 'Isnt it weird how Mikey from Big Brother still has his accent even though he's blind' She put back. 'Not sure because he can hear cant he' to which I replied 'but babies...
How would you react to this. I stayed the other night with my cousin and her husband. The next morning I was sat on my bed fully dressed and saw her husband come out of their bedroom to go...
Could anyone tell me in simple terms how to access a web site called Interpals.I have been using this site for ages but for the last 2 days I get a display saying various things about...
You know you get these emails where it asks you questions such as, what is your fave colour and how old are you, who did you last speak to on the phone etc and then you click on forward and delete...
OMG so so cute!!!!!! Bless, I just want to pick him up and give him a cuddle! (gently) http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/arti cle1484104.ece?slideshowPopup=true&articleId=1 484104
Hiya, My BF has recently moved in (2 months ago) and we are getting along really well. We have had a couple of issues, which we have spoken about and have pretty much sorted out..... my favourite...
Hi, ive got to do a picture board for a job interview with all my long term and short term professional and personal goals on it. Ive got all the pictures etc i want to use for my goals, just dont...