i havent bought anything for a while what should i buy of ebay ? what would you buy? can you spot (bargain price only) anything you would like of ebay tonight?
i am sat here in the garden getting a little sun and i have just drawn a arrow in biro pointing to my pen is! why? any phycologig phycoloj phycolol any budding nut doctor types in?
Hi I'm wondering what type of fish these are: http://photos-a.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p /v208/230/54/827084917/n827084917_1038392_1865 .jpg and http://photos-b.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p...
I do my own eyebrows but I don't know if I do them right. I have never brushed them befor eplucking so instead of looking like this http://www.angelinajoliewatch.com/wp-content/u...
Since the my girl thread i been thinking What other songs make ya sing in a different voice from normal and guess what ? sahmm times when yooor feeling like a ppooour relashunnnnnnnnnnnnn oh yes terry...
For all you ladies ive got some news. Ive just heard that due tothe popularity of the Wiii amongst female users . Theyre now gonna bring out some alll female ghames !! Theres onna be shopping on his...
My choices for Room 101 would be (in no particular order):- Clive Anderson - because he talks just to prevent other people getting a word in, which is why he has ruined every programme he has...
Am i the only person that when they listyen to this song by madness. Theyre suddenly overcome by a strange neeed to sing in a daft engerleesh accent? As in whaaii cahnt sheee sea , sheees lavvlleee...
Just wondering if there is anyone else out there who like me have difficulty in accepting the new female presenter. Zazi, or what ever, is so unprofessional and seems to be lost a lot of the time. I...
Sorry- only just noticed your question to me on Theland's thread last night :-( No, I haven't bought it yet. Have you bought the book? Just so this isn't too boring for others- we're discussing Paul...
im off on holiday next thursday and was really hoping id have my period before ig, due to but as usual my body is being awkward and waiting until im in greece in the boiling heat before my period...