Assuming there is life after our material self has departed. If knowledge dies at the physical point of death then to what use is our growth in essence after life (on) Earth to aid the planet and...
http://www.theanswerb...Question872295-2.html ^ nice to see i was missed but i have just been reading the other crap. I did say a long time ago Barken was a troll along with another half dozen names...
It's Saturday and the Six Nations is back. Wonderful! We are off to a Ladies Night bash this evening, so we will have to get a wriggle on after the second game! such is life. Have a happy day...
A bit soggy this morning. I reckon it's going to get a bit soggier too!
It's hippyhoppy's mum's funeral today, so I hope it stays dry for her.
Have a good day everyone....
i want to know what all the songs are in this video apart from the kyle song (cant get you out of my head) and the archtect one (show me the money) in this...
Fiction I know, but Peter in Corrie has lost his son to a wealthy grandfather who greases the palms of this one and that one.. this happens in the real world too I know so do you think money speaks...
my brother always calls me Fishface. my sister calls me Ra (her kids call me Auntie Ra). a friend at work calls me Spagbol. so what's yours? and do they need an explanation? (I don't look like a fish,...
i'm off to bed , a great struggle against the enemy for what?
nothing it seems. no gratitude or loyalty no nothing :0(
RIP great great great greatest great grandad....
....and they did not look like humans but had the same level of intelligence or moreso, would we still be able to maintain that we are created in God's image?
booing beckham 1 minute ad chanting his name the next??? just what i always thought they havent got a brain cell between them....morons...the bloke was a hero for them......
lunch date with people that you don't really want to eat or be with but have
been pressganged in to it ......and I have to go tomorrow ...all answers will
be well received ......
maybe sqads right, are people finding the site very different and they don't like it anymore?
I like rinkins and dris.....
hope they come in soon
Bobbi ♥...