Stuck on 16a this week: Catalogue of musical recordings typically by a specific artist. I have D?S?O?R?P?Y but could be wrong!! Any help gratefully received - thanks.
I am doing the Friday Magazine 23/09/2011 crossword, which I think comes from the DT about a year ago. I am stuck on a bat with a wingspan of up to 1.8 m, also known as the large flying fox. I have...
I have repertoire for 33d Collection of works that an artist or company can perform (10) -e-e-t--- but that would make 49a any of a class of organic compounds derived from ammonia (5) --i-e which...
Designer of sleeve of Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Bank album (5), ??A?E short coat with box pleats (7,6) n???O?K ?A???T waxy, waterproof substance in plants (5), C???N Criminal act of incendiarism...
13a 3-2-3 traditional French dish of beef stewed with vegetables, herbs and seasoning p*t *u *e* and 39d 5 ?n?c? a slight deflection of a ball with the side of the bat in cricket - is this knock?