who from the past (not like dead) is still here??fellow abers who spent hours drinking tea with i?oh how i miss our late night chats and very helpfull advice
Happiness is a voyage,not a destination There is no better time to be happy than NOW Live and enjoy the moment Just a thought, ok, you can ban it now, goodnight sleep well all !!!
To post this question/statement into suggs and then body&soul I was trying to explain why estie is leaving as she asked me to do....thats all http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/AB-Suggestions/...
Estie has asked me to let you all know that she is leaving AB for a while. The reason being obvious I think. She has been dragged into an argument (along with Red) that NO ONE has the right to drag...
i dont think its fair. you cant report them. they dont answer. they dont rate. and they stay on top. Authority without wisdom is like a heavy ax without an edge, fitter to bruise than to polish....
if youre in a relationship is it ok to kiss someone ? apparently 42% of men in a relationship have. compared to 31% of women in a relationship. would you? have you?
Rule 6 I have no doubt you are popular with girls. This is fine by me as long as it is ok with my daughter. Otherwise, once you have gone out with my little girl, you will continue to do so until she...
10 RULES FOR DATING A SOLDIER'S DAUGHTER Rule 1. If you drive to my house and sound your horn you had better be delivering pizza or something, because you are not picking anything up. Rule 2. You do...
well as a student of life, i know many people have particular likes and dislikes but what gets you going, and turns you on? ahhh the anomynity of the net