Last letter! 31ac. Iron extracted from very great amount of jam?(6) ?ARFUL. If it's 'Jarful' I can't parse it. It's one of the clues where the wordplay ignores one letter.
Parses please: (Wordplay may ignore one letter..)
8d Bird blocked by rook is wader (4) ...looks like TERN
36a Initially, Lionel backed this player surprisingly to get Ballon d'or (7) RONALDO...
Stuck fast! Answer to 15a might get me going and would be appreciated. "Sport's greater rule:tittle tattle (8)???o???r? and contains surplus letter. TIA...
10a. In Greek myth , he steered the boat one couldn't miss..... once departed (8)?e?r?m?n.
Ferryman is the only answer I could come up with.
Many thanks...
I Please could you help 23 the turning sands 3 t 24 is,zy real 6. 7 63. Lincoln for Spielberg 6 3 5 89 reduced t tiny reagents 10 98 O hats and horses. ,63 78 a 74 leader a musical 10 3. 6hankx...
Sounds like Dunbelievables are setting restrictions (7) ?e???i? 2city in INdia where one can make a fortune at present(7) ?????o? 3 drink with a strange hit(3,5) R?? ??n?? 4 a handsome benevolent...