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morning all, its a bright start, lets hope it stays that way. I am earlier than normal, now that it's light its difficult to stay asleep. I hope that you are all well and enjoy your day whatever you...
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help needed please all answers sound like 2/3 clues when you read together what do your clue word sounds like e.g meat (pork) sheep (ewe) long for (pine) = porcupine no 7 plaything (3) lease (3) woody...
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Hi all What is 28a clue is TOP TIA...
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Have filled in the grid with a couple of guesses for two unclued (15a and 39a) but not confident. Is the theme that the second letter of unclued are either x or y?
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Why do people go on The Chase when they don’t know anything??...
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1 D 6 letters "Performing Team not anticipating referee's whistle?" Any help parsing would be appreciated Ta...
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Historic name for land next to the sea in North Africa. 7-5 .a.b.r. C.a.t Many thanks...
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I can remember wanting to be sixteen so I could watch X films at the cinema - then throughout life certain ages meant you 'qualified' for certain things and now I am a pensioner the ages seem to have...
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8 Across. This dream is amazing when painted (4) C???
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Game for a crazy report of pitch offence (8) -I---o-l. T.i.a.
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1a. This fruit looks funny to a cardinal with a vegetable, right (6,4)c?m?c? P?a? Many thanks...
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I have the "cryptics" completed and I think I have the theme- the "unclueds" all seem to be words which contain at least one example of a certain trio of letters and all are, as "Doc" says, verifiable...
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morning one and all, i hope you are well and that you have a good day whatever you do. Its rather cloudy at the moment and the forecast isn't good, whatever happened to spring i wonder.......
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5 across. Epidemic outbreaks of deadly and highly infectious diseases.
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morning all, its too early to say what the weather is going to do, but if its anything like yesterday, wrap up warm. its currently overcast, but you never know with our weather. I hope you are all...
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8) Stamford Raffles was the founder of? 13) This climbing plant, intense blue, can reach 10 feet high. 15) Shelter made from branches in a tree.. 16) WHAT? No underpants. 29)Ferry routes from here go...
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13 River tumbles before regina 5 letters. 21 Star Tom on the right 7 Letters
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Help needed on these clues. Appreciate any help. 13a Fixed on the double (4) ?a?t 35a Determination to create neat urban centre (8) ???a?i?y [I think it might be Audacity?] 24d Become aware of what...
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Ah , teacher breaks down - emotional anguish? (9) ‘Reshaping empires is grand! - Arnold’s impression of Oxford? (8,6) Set up graduate with part in long running story? (9) ‘Saracen’s Head ‘ -...
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1. Natural skill produces story from New Testament? (6) is it talent? Fabric leads to dreadful lie after phone message? (7) Fluent speaking by Queen Cleo, unexpectedly? (9)...

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