Special instructions In 15 clues the wordplay (or a second definition) leads to a solution after someone has been 8, the definition for which has gone missing but turns up as a solution elsewhere....
Should the contestants be allowed to give only surnames as answers to questions? I can accept the usual very famous ones- Beethoven, Shakespeare,Schubert etc etc....but when asked who starred in the...
Good afternoon, A quick recheck of my completed grid leaves me with a few questions. Roslyn suggests LAMRI and ARKLE for 24A and 15D. Why not BAHRI and ARABE? Is it because the latter are not given in...
Good day, I’ve completed the grid with the exception of the Unclueds. Looking now at the homophone reference. My link to accessing Brewer’s was inadvertently destroyed. Could someone provide me with...
Good day, Answers/Hints to the following should put me on the trail of the theme. Thanks in advance! 11(A) This amphibian would need Marvel to make vanilla ice cream (9): CA???L??? 15/38 Office...
Just 2 to get and I can post this and the new Medical Detection dogs Quiz (available from the same setter) Answers end in ONE 6. STEROID HORMONE 9 (could this be Pheremone?) 7. RUNS FROM SWITZERLAND...
5dn Number initially applauded on stage. [6] A?O?N? 25dn Hurry, hide! [[4] ?E?T 6acc Annoy leaving parking place [4] ?I?E 24acc Flatter fizzy drinks for the audience. [4] C?A? Thank you for your help...
2 down Maverick blamed for chaos (6) ?????? 3 down Hiding away in resort of Hastings (8) ?t?????g 4 down Minor dictionary contains type of skiing (6) ?o???? 11 across Walks from street ahead of car...
Fills cash register without moving an inch 5/5letters Ian stood in for Mr pacino in physical for medical practitioner 9 letters Sports person who has to come to grips with his opponent 8 letters...
A hint would be most welcome: 40A Might a____, involved with IOM, be represented by mythologist? I have ?O?HTY?. I'm guessing that I'm looking for a name and the answer is an anagram involving I, O...