Following on from TTT's post re St.George's Day, can we start celebrations with some music? Songs to include the words .. SAINT ... .GEORGE .... DRAGON ..... ENGLAND. I'll kick off with .......
Could someone explain 1D "Unpleasant atmosphere, picking up something written in a train".
I think the answer is "miasma" but I don't understand why....
Change just the one word or letter of a BOOK title. If it rhymes with the original, but still makes sense, all the better. Also, so that we know what the original title is, please type the original...
12a Not completed, perhaps not yet started (6) U???n?
If the solution to this is “undone” then No. 13 down starts with a”d”
13d Soaking in water or trying to find it (7) D?a?i?g