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To cut a long story short the condom we was using came off and now I need the morning after pill where can I get it cheaply everywhere I look on the Internet it's so expensive which I also find...
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Mr Veritas
Well, Elsie sent me up into the attic for something earlier on,and you know what it's like (I hope).You start finding things,and then more things,and before you know it you have been up there for...
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and this is not my own work but I saw somebody who posted this video here earlier and thought it was so funny. So I think it is worth repeating.
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A recent thread in News dealt with a woman in Italy being fined for wearing a burqa in a public place. Her husband's response was that he would henceforth be obliged to confine her to their home to...
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Today is the 1st anniversary of the death of my only child. I'm not looking for sympathy just understanding of posts I made when i was angry. Thats all.
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AB Editor

Given the current problems with the volcanic ash-cloud from Iceland, would you consider driving to your holiday destination instead of flying?

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Have you, I have had a super day, out with my dearest and our friends down the coast, went to a pub then went for fish and chips, what could be Bobbi...
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Do people actually have anal sex and what is it like? also do chinese christian people do that in order to preserve their virginity before marriage?
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Spain has just announced the closure of 19 of its airports due to the ash cloud! Portugal also.
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I`m half-way through my jury service and once again the defendants keep on giving everyone on the jury the evil eye, why do they do this when it`s us who decide their fate?
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Just another 3 evenings sightings but don't think skies will clear here. 10 16 pm for 4 minutes.

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