My g'kids 6, 8 & 10 have had lessons as toddlers in local pool but can only doggie paddle with youngest needing rubber ring - am not impressed ! How important is it for your children to be able to...
I was so dissapointed with Torchwood this week. It was a whole hour and next to nothing happened!! They just about made it across the Atlantic. It is trying too hard to please the American audiances....
I have always liked him and the Foo's are my favourite band but over the past few weeks I have just fallen completely in love with Dave Grohl! Who are your weird crushes? I know I have plenty more...
I always have it in my head that your not allowed to take your own snacks into the cinema, so generally buy the kids popcorn and drinks there. I am taking a group of kids to see Harry Potter at the...
being chatting with a few pals
one a religious fellow
he says in the bible
4 thousands years ago
people used to live until 150 yrs
is he winding us up...
and am still looking for a job, I am not one of the scroungers and I hate signing on, it is so degrading. I have only ever worked in one job and got made redundant after 20 years in the same factory....
what is the music to the new merc advert? the one where the cars are all trying to get into the photo shot. reminds me of the arc de triumph in rush hour - although its always dseems to be rush hour...
Just read Matt Smith is returning for new series.... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO He is a lousy and camp doctor-he has destroyed it.last ep best in his whole 2 series, but not good enough to save it....
Do you have an actor or actress that would make you avoid a film if they are one of the main actors? For me it would be Ben Affleck, Brendan Frazer and Jennifer Lopez.
I think I keep missing a bit of the latest Specsavers advert, because I don't understand it. It's the one where the servants are saying goodbye to somebody and then we see a man in a chair reading a...