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Good evening members old and new,once again Milady and his Ludship are off gallivanting, so it falls to me to welcome you all. Please leave coats, cloaks,ponchos and broomsticks on the hall dresser...
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This time of year we have many a family get together. We were one of 4 couples in our family who got married last year and the only ones who have yet to have a baby/ be pregnant. I had 2 misscarriages...
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A man goes to see a fortune teller to discover his fate. The fortune teller studies his hand for a few minutes. You've been masturbating! she informs him. 'Wow you're good the man replies,impressed....
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edgar cayce
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I took up knitting a few months ago and I'm really enjoying it and seem to be quite good at it. Naturally I'm amassing quite a few bits and pieces, but a plastic storage crate and a 'bag for life' are...
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Just started using the catsan litter that has an integral liner and the litter ontop of it - trouble is - Lucy the 10year old moggy is using it as a bed as well as a loo!!! Is she losing her marbles??
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We finally picked our kitten up this evening, for those who remember my postings a few weeks ago. She's small, furry, utterly evil and already put the dog in her place- we're in love! We've decided to...
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(114a) meddled (8) t?n?e??? (69d) have good intentions (4,4) mean/ ?e?l thanks for any help...
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I've just realised I've left a belt on a pair of jeans I've put in the washing machine. I can hear it banging about. Is it likely it could balls up my washing machine when it starts a spin?
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60 Down - Norweigian sea monster (6) K????N 69 Across - Gordon ? - River City Actor (9) Mc??????l...
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I've had a really painful foot for a few days now which was getting worse and swelling up and I couldn't walk on it so had it checked over by a minor injuries nurse. Been told I have a spur which...
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63d artistic composition (7) - ?o??a?e, last one, so any help gratefully received
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1. members of religious order/inhalent containing oil and turpentine 2. natural ability or talent/styling of hair while damp...
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It's my Boyf's birthday soon, and I need ideas! What do you get the man who has everything (like literally!)...
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Shopping in the supermarket today and they were playing the usual Christmas songs on their sound system and I was surprised at how the music seemed to lift the mood of my fellow shoppers. Men were...
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If you look at the Christmas threads under seasonal!
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AB Editor
Are you excited?
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Would like to start a new post and ask you if you do have a favourite Christmas song, please post it on here and lets try to get in the mood for Christmas. x
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Which root vegetable has poisonous fruits and seeds

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