Another Saturday night and Nungate Towers has opened its doors to welcome all Mad over Fifties. What delights have we in store this evening? Well tonight's Tailcock comes to you courtesy of Igor (our...
My friend acquired a small ginger kitten for Christmas and has called it the daftest name I ever heard. I will not state what is in case she or her family are reading this and I would prefer to keep...
Did any of you see it last night. A full length episode of Today from 1963!!! It makes our snowfall now look really insignificant - and to think I was in my teens then!!
I'm just about to pop a joint of beef in the oven. I will have it rare with roast potatoes, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, and yorkshire puds. Lots of gravy and some hot horseradish....
Greetings from Snowy Nungate Towers. A warm welcome awaits any Mad Over Fifty who braves the elements this cold winter night. For your entertainment this evening we are finally able to have the Ice...
I'm just in the mood to listen to one of his concerts but I can't find one on YouTube where he is speaking English so I wondered if one of you could find a link for me please?
Thanks in advance...
always worried me because of my first name. I have friends whose surname is Tickle. Only just realised...listening to Bernie Keith...what if one their sons marries a girl named Tess.....Worse than...
On this cold January evening, Nungate Towers has again thrown open its doors to all Mad Over Fifties, and a warm welcome awaits within. Tonight's hot plate special a warming beef casserole with...
Need two to finish. Can anyone help? 17d (5) Topic of discussion -S-U- Issue? 69a (7) Henpecking C-G-I-G I orignally thought Nagging but it doesn't jive with 55d Contaminating which I thought was...