Welcome to Mad Over Fifties Club, in light of the wonderful weather we have here at Nungate Towers, we're holding tonights meeting down on the beach. The Tailcock tonight is the "Sandy Shore" (no...
I have a boy and a girl Yorkie.... Girl is a bit of a drama queen/goody two shoes. Boy is .... well I don't know.... he whinges to be covered in a blanket. He will whine and whine till I cover him,...
Further to my last post about having my tooth taken out on Tuesday, now the blood clot has gone I can feel what appears to be a slither of tooth left in the hole where the tooth was, its quite sharp...
I know she is Andy Murray's mum does that make her a celebrity, she is featured in todays Mail Magazine as Celebrity profile and I read recently she is being considered for Strictly!
Good evening and Welcome to Mad Over Fifties Club. Igor is ready and waiting at the door to collect coats, cloaks and brooms for concealment around the Towers, whether or not they will be returned to...
What's the best thing to use to get rid of hard skin on soles of your feet ? I've seen that 'express pedi' product but it's quite pricey. Any other suggestions please ?
Carers arrived late as per usual. When they arrive I usually nip out for a fag. When I came in I heard one carer saying to Mic " Do you think I want to be here cleaning you now roll over" I was about...
To scratch or not to scratch? Sometimes a scratch seems to relieve it, other times inflame. Then, if you're not supposed to scratch, why does it itch? And goes on for days sometimes? Anti histamine...
I recently went to a concert by fascinating aida and it was fabolus however the 3 girls all had something on their heads like a gem with sticky tape. Anyone know what it is here is a link to the...
If the scots vote for independence what happens to the scottish members in Westminster, do they give up their seats in London and take up seats in Endiburgh ? hat will be the make up of the seats at...
Do you find Answerbank, Boring, Entertaining, Informative! I find it informative with all the tips etc from Home Food and Crossword sections etc but would like it to be more entertaining, find that...
Good evening and welcome to the Summer Solstice meeting of Mad Over Fifties. First, my apologies for my absence last week owing to a migraine I was incapacitated. Also I'd like to give my thanks to...
I have two digital radio's. To me they don't sound any better than an ordinary one. One was a competition prize, the other cost about £130. I have a HD TV connected to Sky HD wifi digibox. To me the...
Sitting quite happily having a chit chat with Nungate. Door goes...are you expecting anything - yes my books - but we get to the door delivery man with a massive bouquet of pink roses and pink...
This is fab. Brew Dog brewery made a bottled called Dead Pony Club. The stuffed shirts at The Portman Group, in their whiny, nasal voices said the name was in breach of the "alcohol marketing code"...