Doesn't it wind you up that you were classed as this? I've just left school, finishing my exams etc. I'm very happy this and I am expected to get average results. What really gets me though is that no...
Have posted here as it seems to be the more popular thread! Does anybody remember ''Dinky Diaries''? They were a brightly coloured diary (i think they were folded like a brochure) and they had...
Hi there fellow ABers . Do you keep a lot in your home and collect clutter , and store things saying " that may come in handy one day ". or do you prefer the minimalistic home decor ?
Once again we are witness to how hypocritical our politicians really are. I refer of course to Blair's early retirement. They are not really bothered what they can do for us, only what they can do for...
Hiya! Wondering if any body knows of a good foundation that has medium coverage not a matte finsh, I quite like foundations that have a dewy finsh or a healthy glow effect. Can't find a nice one...
Is it considered a bit 'sad' if a lady goes to a pub on her own, say if she was waiting for someone? Or even just fancied a drink but no one else she knew did!?