seem to have been doing crosswords and puzzles all day and all this evening. Stuck on a few with this one .... 11a composer who worked with O'Neill and Simpson (6,4) l???e? b?r?3d current connected...
Crossbar 1374 20d Forbidding cut back, at the end (6) -e-e-- 4d Did he trot off to a more popular area (6) h-t--- 10a I'm accepted by boy, and another one (5) -i--- Many thanks in advance......
No.1. ABIBIB. No.2. GKN. No.3 LCDAC. -- no. 3's letters appears in the quiz sheet twice one probably being - love came down at Christmas - I don't know if the second set of LCDAC is a misprint or...
16. Threatening, nothing less, To restrict oxygen (7) ????o?s 23 . ADHD drug failed in Trial (7) r???l?n 14 . Relief afforded by French bread? A Crucial attention (10) p?????l?n? any help please?...
it might direct Romeo and Juliet for example,to go off together (6) e?e?n?. unrealistic notion from that fellow in cold period (7) ??i???a. turned over big cheese in fabric (7) t?????a. thanks for any...
Behind with this! 8d female officer commanding american publisher to gather gross set for discussion.(5,5) f???s ?a?u?.44d welshman with leg trapped frets.(7) r?p???s.TIA
1d customer survey worries three carmakers (6,8) 8d clue for very quiet place some people go for therapy? (8,6) 10a lead with stolen dollars first (8) 26a cheeky kid with cooler paparazzo? 22a highly...