The best shall be last. (8) U _ _ _ _ _T _ . Bleb and all that bladder! (4) _ Y _ _ . Comic strip hero provides some service. (6) _ _ _ _ _ N. She's a nut cracker! (4) _ _ N _ .
1. Film acquired by copper (6) _ _ _ _ _A 2. It came off the performer's cuff (5) _D_I_ 3. Feel ill coming back on beast of burden, making a bloomer (8) _ _ _ E _ _ _ A 4. Polite Scot is not a...
Please can anyone enlighten me - How can 20d be Edith and 19a be Antibes, if the spelling of Antibes is correct. I can't find a different spelling for it.
Last ones, Thanks in advance. 21a bacterial illness passed by ticks (7). 30a Two handled jug used by the Greeks and Romans (7). 42a Roman festival of great revelry in mid-December (10). 43a...
In the 1970's, anti-apartheid groups campaigned against sporting links with South Africa. Who was the country's president when apartheid ended in 1990? any helpplease?
10a In this way, periodically after Ga and Ge ... (2,7)? a - / f - l - o - s. 11a Refers to important places I omitted (5)? c - - - s. 7d Draw army up on piece of ground (7)? a - - - - - t. Finally...
16a) I hear big reptile consumed savoury cake ??o?u?m?? 23a) Baltic citiy blocks centrepiece of comic eastern art ??i?a?s 5d) Disect a cat that`s been drenched in liquorice? a?a?o?i??
Here we go again! Looks like a great one...Have got a few, but am seeking help with the following: ACROSS: 13: Birds at the same parties ( 5 ) ??D?? (SIDES?) 16: Ceremony at Crewe lacking joker ( 7 ):...