Could you help with the last few clues, please. 8ac It gives one a lift as far as Nice, almost (5ltrs) -o-i- 16ac Something starting and ending with music (4ltrs) -o-g (Is it GONG?) 25dn Close tight...
last one 15down any of a various yellow-flowered Eurasian plants of the genera ytisis, Genista and Spartium; closely related to gorse. 5 letters b?o?m is it bloom? Thank again
18D. Subtle hints restrained with German craftsman
- - - s - a - h
21A. People overseas in a special radio broadcast outside
d - - s - o - a
Many thanks in advance
While chatting to some friends yesterday somebody asked if anyone knew who the performer was who used to sing Mule Train whilst hitting himself with a tin tray. Some remberd him but could not think of...
Help please. 25d Queen Anne just started following pages for drink (5) Q?A??. 36ac High-quality worker got round a lazy one (8) ??I?E?N?. Thanks in advance.
Can anyone help with the last few of my local crossword. Each is always at the end of May (5) E?E?Y Bachelor to have need of jet (5) ??A?K Oriental is with us, rejected by this girl (5) S?S?E In...
4 to go!! 5d. Stepped up round first twist (7). D?S???? 7d. Sound quality of network in duration (6) T?M??? 14a. A member, by the way, will put his foot down (5) ???M? (Thinking STAMPS?) 11a. One who...
Stumped on one!! Last bit of evidence coming out, so I accused a dodgy group of white men (10). I have C?U?A?O?D?. I have DECOROUS,giving the U as the 3rd letter, this may be incorrect.
happy 2009 to you all. Thanks for your help since I joined in October. I've also enjoyed helping others. Let's hope 2009 is happy, healthy and peaceful. HAPPY NEW YEAR
Norman island ?A??? Cheeseboard rarely is employed for starters ???E Snowy fine hair ????? Wolf has run out B??? Frenchman to swamp Rose on TV (4,5) ?E?N ?A??? Thanks!
Thanks for all the help offered to others on this one! V hard. Last two: 20 ac: Was successful in part thanks to teacher: I have ?o? a???d - could be won award but don;t see why.. 19d: Endless...
help please, 13 across, d???a? to inspire love requires close attention, I can only think of detail. 14 down, dug up cloth, ????m, and 17 across,made amends in agreement with Germany, ?y???d/
112d Sharp ridge (5) A?E?E 68d Pull up by the roots (9) E?A?R?A?E 57d Dowdy (8) ???M?I?H Dont know if letters are correct or not, not doing too well today