24a Mountain range pass (3) C _ _ 58a Egg of a louse (3) _ _ T 82a Versatile (in movement) (9) A _ R _ _ A _ _ _ 108a Glasgow born poet (5,6) _ _ _ _ N _ O _ _ A _ 98d Not religious (5) _ A _ A _...
35d Classic set long ago in a french square (10) u?d?????t?d 45a Bushy-tailed creature seen to fill desert (4,3) p?????a 40d Degenerate left behind outside (9) b?????i?e 51a Demonstrared it can...
9a. 100 almost 'ere - they unfortunately may miss the boat (10) ------M--- 13a. Extend chute outside home (4,3) ---N / --- 17a. Former political leader in ancient coat - there's bad, bad article about...
now jools or octagenarian, can you put me right on this last one..8D. I thought it might be HONOUR but poss. not.. "a great lordship of many manors in medieval times"? My chambers does not list this...
37D Strong & hazardous sea currents which push away from the shore..T-D- / --P tide ? 33A curved part of a for-and aft Sail to provide extra power on the leech side???!!! reach?? any help from the...
1. Bounder badly shaken might need it! (6,6) ******/B*A**** 2. Trimmed in advance so as to be ready (8) **E***E* 3. Awakened again and summoned back (8) **C***E* 4. Order out in test given to...
need help as have done,with partner,both telegraphs,times and fts and am brain dead 5a absence of eruptive matter returning from legendary region 6 ???L?? 10a roller for pitch initially all but hidden...
Can anyone help with the following please 12D The taxonomic rank between species and family G???S 17D Any of various regions of the US that prohibited slavery prior to the American Civil War F?C?S???E...
(17d) End of the beginning? So, begin again. (5, 4) (18a) Come to the acme of couture! No better in - thing. (6, 2, 8) _ E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H _ _ _.
18 a - 18a/56 Sour sauce for 13, please (4.5) (13 was cold turkey) 37 down - looks like something with 6 letters - - - - - - WRITER 71 OK am crazy (seems like E _ O _) 4 letters. Thanks in advance,...
6ac Almost provide complete contents for short book of pictures (6) f - - m - - 8d Sheep shelters found round South-West, over the hill here? (9) - - t - - - l - s Last letter of 6ac is first letter...