it's always part of a severe winter (4) E _ E _ theres nothing in decoration for this music maker (4) O _ O _ securely enclose the beast (4) _ E _ L dog perhaps, under the's seen on the...
8d Unusual effort needed to comprehend Conservative measure (a bit leftish). Off-centre but how? anagram of effort + c leaves en -how do I get that from measure? 18d One putting a gloss on...
Down to four before needing help - sometimes I need help to get started on this! 5a One who's lost faith in Brown? ("Character making U-turn without developing etc.") ???c?o? 6d Legislative body...
17ac Universal force that produces harmony in nature-from the Chinese for path or way (3) (t?u) 20ac Take part in lively festivities. (??v?m) 2d Small group of musicians-especially of jazz...