9d displaying temper in place one frequents (8,6) st?mping ground - is it stomping or stamping 7d a small pice of poetry in preparation (5) a?O?? 13ac lead,say, a number of romans and others must...
I am a bit stuck, can you help my on a couple. thanks 1a Cunning old people grabbing one mathematician (10) ???h?m???s 27a The means by which goods get put up ( 10) A???r?i??? 29a Like cheap goods in...
a virus remover keeps poping up saying "you have a security problem " and i can't get rid of it, any help please. i have done a compleat scan but nothing changes
x word help please top of a column 7 letters. C_P_T_L to secure tent. 4 and 3, T_ _ _ _ _ _ set up camp. 7 LETTERS. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mine entrance. 4 letters. _ _ _ _. thanks for any help.
hepl please last two, 28a A cold sea mist or fog off the North Sea (4) -a-r 39a European songbird with read and white face (9) -o-d-i-c- Many thanks site wont let me go further back then 10 to check...
36a. Bitter poisonous alkaloid found in various plants of the nightshade family, including the potato.[8] 38a. 2008 Keira Knightly film about an 18th. century English aristocrat. [3.7.] 3d. port city...