Can anyone help with the following: 5D Further reference to a comment on the test (8) ( - - P - NO - E) 6D Plane plying a regular, internal route (6) ( - - C - U - ) 7D Allowable scope of action (6) (...
3d girl goes to new flat (4) e--- 6d constructa ship (5) c-a-- 7d stop with earl during lawsuit (5) -e--- 8a have to deal with business (7) --n---n 10a set back before time of trial (4) --s- 11a...
Ride for a period of time - C???e Hag didn't start to have a restless desire - A??? Harmony,nothing else, in the musical composition - ????e?t? Some are overtaking on the green - ?e?t Exploring below,... hospital numbers ( 13)///e/t/i?i??? 13d. badly torn rose found in italy (8) N?R?E??? 5 d. plant around winter (6) ???n?n 7 ac. Scalpel? (9,4) operat?v? ??r? 19 ac. dans prepared to become like...
totally lost, can anyone help please. bishop puts argument at the top (6 letters). 7. d. right to rope off an imitation (5 letters) ??P?A 8.d. employment by shore difficult for one already...
Help please. I seem to have a mental blockage this morning. 7 down Subsistence ---- I think it could be "wage" 21 down. Bend bar round ring. 5 letters. I just have the starting letter...
2d - Specified period of three years; or an office lasting this long (9) I have T?I?N?I?M 12a - Castle, medieval fortress, or walled town, esp. in Germany; or modern town in USA (4) I have ?U?H 24d -...