20 dn he's regularly taken in,say,help. 1 word 6 letters s???e?
24 ac long church behind short version of 28.[for 28 ac i have 'one time'. 1 word 4 letters i???...
Could you help me with the last clue, please. 13dn Saintly shoemaker dropping in for snack (5ltrs) p-i-p I think I must have something wrong - I have put thespians for 12ac (They apply religious rule,...
57d - European wild flower also known as Johnny Jump Up, 10 letters. I have ?E?R?S?E?E, thought this should be HEARTSEASE but doesn't fit with 80a - A group or set of eight, 5 letters. I have ?C?E?,...
sorry I've put the question in the wrong category.
31d glass or plastic cover, originally bell-shaped, used to protect young plants from frost etc. 6 letters: c??c?e
15 across
diactritical mark place over a vowel to render it short, as opposed to a macron that would make it long (5)
ive got b_e_e already if thats any help. Ta :)...
last two & really stuck: 29d 8 letters: Archipelago in the Indian Ocean and the name of it's main island - I have I?N?I?A? (first I might be wrong) Even more annoyingly - 88d 4 letters: Evergreen...
1 measure the area behind the building [4] 2 sport with the ash [7] c????i? 3 test it as utter right[5] 4 one childs bed in nine is poison [8] 5 use digital signal to get from A to B for free [5] many...
10d, newspaper story makes it clever, ?r???l? 28d, he works in an underground group,???? ?i??? 69a,damsel means to change how wives were previously known,?a???? ?a?e? 46a, making an entrance with...
1) Does worry at night, it's so forsaken. (8) D?S????? DISOWNED? elucidate. 2) Well, but slowly. (7) T?????E. 3) How quickly both got agitated? (2, 3, 6) ??, ???, ?H???S. 4) A blunt "Away from...
1d rock producers at biblical town(8) -a-a-e--.39a sailor posted but not there(6) -b-e-t. 23a talks about the foreign holiday homes (7) ---l-t- and finally is 28d official treads carefully around...