36 down Group of activists C - D - E Any help much appreciated, forgot to put this on before, I am tyling this up for grizzly bear and I am ot very efficient, sorry. Thanks to all the other people who...
Just one to do and have searched previous questions, but can't find it. 3d, Uncle and father-in-law of Jacob, son of Isaac. L?B??, assuming that 10ac is Hannibal; can't see it being anything else....
1. Obviously it's not plain (5,7) H * L * Y / * O * * * * * 2. Gave spot cash (4,2,3,3) * A * D / * * / * * * / * * * 3. It's clear the girl has a cute wiggle (8) * * * * * * T * 4. It's not simple to...
Hope someone out there can help please? Having trouble with right hand side of the crossword. 13a e.g.Brazil's hurt and annoyed. H-E- - - - . 17a Small beers? Shops depend on them T- - - - . 6d Allen,...
A very Happy New Year to all. 3 down Coercive economic action (9) s-n-t-o-s. 16 down The office abbots deputy (9) p-------- 18 down Grandpa's torment featured a clergyman (6). p-----. 21 across...
59 across clue is Do separate happy ending 5 letters - a - t - this is the last one and the only one that we have used the answer bank for please and thanks
Any help appreciated. With which a streaker hurries. 8,5 - n - - - - - - / - a - - - As flexible as a tree. 7 Letters - - - - - - - Players getting on with first aid. 9 Letters - - - - - - - - - Thank...
I have done most of this puzzle but a few have me beaten. King in gaol spreads sand on floor(7) R?E?O?I Man is able to move with independent power;he can walk (6,5)A?I?A? B?P?S Indian ruminates;put...