Thank you for submitting your quiz to unfortunately you forgot to say where to send to if people want to buy a copy can you get in touch again and supply the...
If anyone is doing Around The Home quiz and could supply me with a closing date i'd be very grateful. The first few copies of Oddbods Two's company Threes A crowd went out with a couple of typos on. I...
Please could you send me your email address for your new quizzes as I thought your email was on the note you enclosed with your quiz, it was only when I went to email it I realised it was on the quiz...
Answers, winners, new quiz can all be found on Prizes will be posted tomorrow as will new quiz to anyone who requested one with their entry. Thank you everyone...
Can I just explain something that I didnt explain too well earlier. Google had a virus but it was cleared quickly and posed no great threat. This latest problem where people are directed to a warning...
Just in case anyone missed the thread where someone was asking i'll post this again in case it helps anyone else if you get this on every site you try and access its a scam directing your pc to that...
I notice a quiz is no longer taking small amount cheques and asks for coins, with bank charges rising it probably wont be long before others do this too but can anyone come up with a better way of...
Unfortunately only the first 25 of these were published on fundraising quizzes, this has now been sorted so anyone needing the answers they are now all there. My apologies to the setter and anyone who...
Maybe we can have a new competition going on here whereby the person who asks most questions on one quiz gets a little rosette by their name ..Wonder how many would see that as a win lol
I think there are a number of problems on this quiz I have added them to querys on fundraising quizzes and it may be worth checking these before doing the last section. And I know its very early days...
Theres a few new quizzes for the New Year and answers to some recently closed quizzes on the Fundraising quizzes website. Many thanks to everyone who has submitted quizzes, queries and answers etc to...
If others are wondering where the typo section has gone it has now been joined with queries as people kept getting them mixed up and submitting typos to queries and answering quries in typos etc so we...
I recently posted that 3 quizzes had been removed from Fundraising quizzes as they were not for a charitable cause. We have now added a section for such quizzes that are not for charity. So for those...
Two new quizzes for whatquiz were posted on fundraising quizzes yesterday and the setter has contacted me asking they be withdrawn because they are not for charity and that they didnt want to offend...
More answers to closed quizzes now on Fundraising quizzes, also new sites on reference section and some new quizzes and queries added. Just in case anyone hasnt...