How do I let somebody love me? So I have been hurt in the past... I was engaged, my ex cheated bla bla. I stayed single 18 months to sort myself out and I am at peace with it all. I have been dating...
Hi Can anyone help? Am I correct in thinking that if you use fully synthetic oil in your car - you can only top up using the same thing i.e fully synthetic ? Would it damage the engine if you topped...
http://www.dailymail....volved-gang-feud.html Yet another killing on the streets of our capital this time on a crowded Oxford Street. Even while medics are tending the stabbed gang member, other chose...
Well, I have bought myself a slow cooker, because I thought it would be a good thing to have.Trouble is, I haven't a clue how to use it. Do you just put all ingredients for a stew/casserole in...
Well I have been I am in my early 70's, I find an inclination to become more of a hermit, having little or minimum contact with groups, or not wanting to become a member of...
He says to his Mrs, we´re going to play a game where you have to guess the flavour of the condom, i´ll just turn the light off now, the mrs replies is it gorgonzola? hang on he says i...
Please help ...............!! I've had a very heavy head cold for nearly a fortnight now with a few days respite last week, but it all came back on Christmas Eve. I now have in addition to sinusitis,...
How on earth could relatively primative societies (circa 3000 bc) lift and transport stone monoliths in excess of 1000 tons across the land and then lift them into place with startling precision. We...
I meant to ask the vet yesterday while we were there and forgot. I've looked on Felipedia and FabCats and can't find anything. Maggie's purred all her life until recently. The minute you touched her -...
can anyone give any advice on an outstanding debt of £8,000 which is paid to the company monthly, there has never been a default on the account although the payments have not been increased for...
Any strong opinions out there ? I would ask the following question : " Do Nurses, Policemen, Firemen, Ambulancemen, Armed Forces, (and everybody else who works on Boxing Day ) get TREBLE time and...
The little sexy housewife was built so well that the TV repairman couldn't keep his eyes off of her. Every time she came in the room, he'd jerk his neck right out of joint looking at her. When he'd...
I've only ever had the one Avatar - a laughing kitten. But now I have some purple swirly design least that is what I am seeing in my posts :O/
What's up with it?...