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Hi all, one another thing! My mun told me that she always gets this vuze error missing gdiplus.dll error when surfing the web and I have also downloaded a new gdiplus.dll & just copied it to...
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Provide some suggestions or websites
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While our jet-lagged political leaders desperately scurry from one riot site to another, trying to look credible, an unlikely voice of sanity emerges....
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sets fire to a shop in manchester, not only in front of cameras, hangs around to watch his handiwork, and is still wearing the same clothes a day later? answer = one of the 'feral rats' who enjoyed...
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Why is my broadband so slow? My ISP is Orange (who's customer service sucks by the way) and I'm using one of their Inventel Live Box routers. Most ISPs, including Orange, claim to be able to shove up...
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Had a mole removed from my back yesterday and it hasn't stopped itching since! It's got a dressing on it which I just want to rip off and give my back a good old scratch! Any ideas what I can do? X
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bloody sunday 1887 , newspaper headlines trafalgar square tory terrorism seeing this reminds me of the morning stars headline on monday sympton of tory britain rioting could strike anywhere as...
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Bought a new charger 2 weeks ago,since then message keeps coming up that battery cannot hold a full charge,hence, do we need a new battery? Also when moving the arrow onto what topic I want to click...
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Following my request yesterday on buying a wireless router I have now sent away for this "BELKIN F5D9230 G+MIMO Cable Gateway Router Wireless" but can anybody tell me if they are easy to...
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The Government plan cuts to the Police service to save money. - Is that wise after this week? - Will that leave us exposed to more criminality? - is it a false economy? - Or does everyone have to take...
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What did marching Roman soldiers do when they had a stone in their sandals ?...
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Well after losing 2st 5lbs within a year - my cholesterol level before weight loss was 7.0 - after a recent blood test - got my results yesterday and I have actually gone up to 7.3 - I thought by...
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Hi, Builder My house is made of local stone (I think it's granite). The bay is made of brick. and he house is dashed. I would love to brighten the exterior - would it be okay to have it painted or...
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Hi - I suffer from extreme pain (fibromyalgia) beneath my boobs so therefore wearing a bra is very painful - I just wear these wee fine soft crop tops but they do not give me much shape. I am going to...
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My friend has just told me she's bought a decent second hand pc through a friend of a friend. Before buying it my friend was told it had either windows xp or vista on it, but the guy wasnt sure as it...
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One of our (flatscreen) tvs is connected to a sky box with a loose satellite connector cable in the back. Recently the cable came out and with some difficulty I managed to re-insert in into the rear...
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I watched a report on TV that people were trying to start riots in Devon towns and cities through Facebook, the names of the shops in the towns and cities were advertised as starting and meeting...
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I've asked this question on a few different websites and want to get as many fresh perspectives as possible. Anyways, I'm sort of working on this little project and if you want to help, I'd appreciate...
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Which is the wrong side of the bed and why the problems getting out of it ?...

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