I have a zanussi fridge freezer about 4 1/2 yrs old and it has started to make a ringing noise everytime the motor starts up. My daughter was here last night and asked whose telephone she could hear....
Cooked some bacon earlier to add tha pasta dish. It wasso thin you could just about see through it. In the frying pan it just shrivelled up and pleated itself. Good job I needed crispy bacon. Remember...
Wor Geordie's lost his penker
Doon the double raa.
All advice gratefully received, but Bobbisox is disqualified from entering because she'll just tell me to, "Ram it doon the cludgie"...
Kate McCann now thinks it was possibly the clothes that her daughter was wearing that led to her kidnap....according to The Sun.....I know, I know not the most reliable of sources, but please............
Is it possible that just one person can get food poisoning from a whole cooked chicken while a few other people who also ate the same cooked chicken were perfectly ok?
It's not distorted or damaged but is hideously blackened both inside and out. As it's one of my favourite cooking pans, what's the best way of trying to rescue it?
My OH has a really really terrible memory. It's actually reached the point where it is no laughing matter because he simply forgets to do really important things or tell me about really important...
Nice couple, early fifties. He is a strapping chap, very well spoken. In the last two months he has re-decroated their house. Put built in wardrobes in the bedroom, built a nice corner unit in lounge...
http://tinyurl.com/6kal9cc Is it racist to ban this boys hair style, or is it just another case of certain groups demanding special treatment? If this hair style is allowed should skin-heads be...
I think the programme is poor quality entertainment and is nothing short of sugary sh....shush, enough said, apart from Alan's (sorry, Sir Alan's) facial follicles. Is he unable to grow a real beard...
I am trying to avoid bread, pasta, rice etc and have been very good all this week and stuck to salads for lunch. So far: Italian leaves with chorizio, caramelised onions, poached eggs & balsamic...
From the time I press the "on" switch to the time it takes for all the icons to show on the desktop, then for Internet Explorer to show the home page equals 7 minutes. I have done an...
I have been left a share of my father's flat. He died four months ago and since then my sister and her partner have been living there for a good reason (his health means he needs treatment here in the...