Don't know if i'm in the right area here. I've got a car for sale and after a few brief exchanges with the intended buyer he wants to pay via paypal (£8,600) Is this safe??? Sorry, i'm a more...
With increasing numbers of Nigerians coming into to this country, could they also bring their disgusting savage and backward practices with them?... Seeing that Radical Muslims are already calling the site of Osama bin Laden’s ocean burial the ‘Martyr’s Sea’, should the Pakistanis now bulldoze the...
Taking into account Prince Charles rather prominent ears, wasn't this an inappropriate background for the Prince's photo?
I've recently clicked on it and couldn't see what has occurred, Is the recipient of a marked best answer maybe contacted via email to let them know they have been picked?
When I scan with Malwarebytesit snags two faults, as follows: Vendor: PUM.Disabled Security Center Item: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Securit yCenter\AntiVirusDisabledNotify The second one is...
I have a neighbour who has been hospitalised for several months, meaning that his mail has been piling up. Unfortunately, another inconsiderate neighbour keeps placing it into the local post box and...
Emmental cheese has a lot of holes, all different sizes, and randomly distributed through the cheese. One supermarket I visit regularly sells 400g blocks of it in vacuum-wrappers. How do they know,...
If the Lib Dems get AV, the next referendum will be for PR, which is what they've been campaigning after for years. So, under PR, do you get a candidate to vote for, or is it just a party, and the MPs...
Looks like the "NO" campaign are winning the argument. Have the public finally seen through this crackpot idea?...
Don't really know what to do. A friend of a friend swears blind she saw my gran coming out of the local gum clinic. I thought she was joking but she described her to a tea and told me what she was...
I haven't found a single scientific proof to prove that atheists exist. I've seen plenty of anecdotal evidence but no solid proof. So all you argumentative no-God-loving types should stand up and show...
An elderly couple was watching a Discovery Channel special about a West African bush tribe whose men all had penis's 24 inches long. When the Black male reaches a certain age a string is tied around...
Why are the media referring to the fact that when William is king his wife will be Queen Catherine? How can this be when The Queen is accompanied by Prince Phillip, the Duke of Edinburgh and not by...
last one god damn!!! 53ac, One's receiving nan with drink from India, say (7) G-S-T-E answer and explanation please, i cant find anything to fit!! thanks.